Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Valentines and New Years Resolutions Catch Up!

Hi Guys!

A bit late but I hope you all had a lovely Valentines Day! Here are a few pics from mine. I spent the evening on an open deck boat along the River Thames with the other half, which was great but absolutely freezing!  But there was a free glass of champers so that made up for it ;).  Although I ended up having 4 glasses and on an empty stomach that is not a good idea, I ended up totally pissed and stumbling around on the boat. You honestly can't take me anywhere!

I live in London and it's so easy to take for granted what a beautiful city it really is. I mean people come from all over to marvel at Big Ben, and St Pauls Cathedral, Harrods, Tower Bridge etc. But when you see it all the time it seems the novelty wears off. It was so lovely to cruise along the Thames and actually take in all the sights for once, and especially in the evening when everything is lit up it looks absolutely gorgeous. I would definitely recommend to anyone thats passing through London to do.

Me and Carl

Anyway, I done a new years resolutions post at the beginning of Jan and as promised I thought i'd give you all an update on how i'm getting on with them! We already half way through Feb (how mad is that?!), so I thought it was about time!

  • I have been so strict with myself in terms of Cleansing/Toning/Moisturising every night and no matter how drunk I come home, or how tired I feel, I can proudly say that I have no longer woken up with panda eye since the start of the new year :)
  • I did also say that I would start getting regular facials. Unfortunately I haven't managed to do this yet, purely because of the cost and time factor. But I'm still hoping to squeeze this in in the near future.
  • I have cut down alot on the fake tan I'm happy to say. To be honest it looks a bit daft to be tanned in these freezing temperatures anyway! Although I am still putting a very light layer on for special occasions.
  • Gym-The one I thought would be quite easy turned out to be the hardest! After Christmas I felt desperate to exercise after all the carbs and junk I had consumed. But alas, this was not to be. After some thinking and the realisation that I am never going to be able to justify £60 a month no matter how many times I go. There are alot of gyms with exactly the same equipment at half the price. There's no need to be flashy. I sadly cancelled my membership. BUT I got a few fitness DVDs and have been using them a few times a week which I think, does the same thing anyway! Until I feel I can dedicate more time at a much cheaper gym!
  • Takeaway Food-I haven't done TOO badly with this one. I still have the odd, uncalled for McDonald's when I've had a rubbish day and talk myself into it or having the familiar craving on the way home from a night out, wrongly thinking it will help in some way but of course, it makes you feel gross and sluggish. But other than that, I no longer class most Friday nights as 'Curry Night' basically telling myself that just because it's Friday I deserve a treat. My goal of only two takeaways a month is not quite yet perfect, but I'm getting there.
  • Sleep-This one is easy as I do love a great nights sleep. Most week nights I go to Bed at around 10:30 so at the very least I have been managing to get in a nice 8 hours. It really does make all the difference. Although the weekends are a very different story!
  • Anxiety- It's so so hard to not worry when you're a natural at it. I would blow up trivial minor things into a big worry fest and stress about them for days. I still do a bit, but I am working towards trying to control this and be more carefree as it really is not worth it.
  • Regualar Breakfast-I have been terrible with this one. I have the odd banana in the mornings still when I remember or some toast when I  have the time but I'm still trying to manage a regular healthy breakfast everyday. Shamefully I would rather have the extra 10 minute snooze than have something to eat! Which I hugely regret as the morning goes on so I am definitely going to try harder to put this right!
  • Saving Money- January was a complete write off as I had alot of things to pay off for after Christmas. But starting from the end of Jan I am managing to save my target amount each month which I am very pleased about. I have also found the perfect savings account which I am hoping to open within the next week.
  • Quality Time with Family-I am starting to arrange monthly visits to my Nan by confirming a date with her each time we go. She lives quite a long drive away so it's difficult to always make trips down to her.
  • Paris-Yes I am still the only person that hasn't been to Paris *sad face*. I would have loved to have gone for Valentines Day but it was way too expensive and to be honest I'd rather go in the run up to Christmas so fingers crossed I'll get to go this year.
  • Adventurous- I'm slowly but surely trying more foods that I wouldn't normally consider because of the way they look. And i'm also still on my constant battle to become a top chef in the kitchen, or at least be able to cook something that doesn't revolve around toast. I've recently purchased some cooking-for-dummies books so keep your eyes peeled for a few recipes :)

I saw plenty of  Resolutions posts so would love to know how you are getting on with yours? :)

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