Wednesday, 2 January 2013

January Blues...and some resolutions!

Hi Ladies,
Even though i've had a lovely refreshing break, can you believe how quickly the festive season comes and goes?! I can't help but feel sad it's over. I don't know about you but I in no way feel ready to get back to early mornings/commuting/gym, etc. Think it will definitely come as a shock waking up at 6am everyday, for the past week and a half I've been getting up no earlier than 10!

I've long since given up making New Years Reso's, I can NEVER stick to them. But this year I decided to give it another go. There's so many things I need to do this year so if I write them down in a post i'm hoping it will give me more motivation to stick with them.

My Resolutions:

  1. To get back into a proper skincare routine of cleansing, toning, moisturising every night. There's been too many nights i've come home late and fallen asleep with make up still on-yuck! Panda eye is not a good look in the morning!
  2. To try my best to go for regular facials, I have very combination skin, so it would be good to speak with a specialist that could recommend what's best for me.
  3.  To embrace my pale skin!. I'm always trying new fake tan products as I feel quite self concious without them. Everyone looks better with a tan right?! Well, I was thinking about this the other day and even though natural tans look lovely and do give a nice healthy glow, There's nothing wrong with being pale either, especially as I don't live in a particularly hot country! I think it's more the magazines and television programmes that make people feel under pressure to always be tanned. But it's all about confidence really. Anyway, obviously on special occasions I will still put some form of tan on. But not nearly every day as I have been doing lately. Plus it clogs up the pores on your skin which isn't great!
Health and Lifestyle:
  1. To actually use my gym membership and go at least 3 times a week. I mean, I pay £60 a month and I haven't been in about 6 months! But I've definitely put on at least a stone this Christmas so I actually really want to go. I don't think this reso will be too hard...I hope!
  2. To cut down on takeaways. I was looking through my bank statement the other day and I spend so much money on takeaways and eating out! I need to massively cut down, and eat more fruit and vegetables. I think 2 takeaways/eating out a month is fair, and the rest of the time only healthy food. This is going to be a hard one!
  3. Make sure I get a good 8 hours of sleep per night during the week. I've realised I don't function properly at all with any less!
  4. I'm a natural worrier. I get anxious about minor things and analyze everything too much. This year I want to be more laidback and not let things get to me too much.
  5. To eat breakfast everyday. I've never really been a breakfast person, granted this is mainly because I snooze my alarm so much in the mornings I am late and rush out the door without giving breakfast a second thought. But by 10am my stomach is growling like a monster and I hugely regret not eating, so from today I am going to make sure I at least eat some toast or cereal before leaving the house.
  1. To open a savings account, and start saving as much as I possibly can each month. I'm going to be 25 in March and would love my own house/mortgage in the next two years. I realise this is a totally high expectation but I'm hoping if I stick to saving every month, I might just do it.
  2. I've always been quite an organised person, I have a filofax that I couldn't do anything without! so this reso is just to keep it up and make sure i'm on top of things.
  3. To visit my Nan more often. She lives quite a long drive away so we don't see her nearly as much as I'd like. But I want to make at least a monthly trip to see and spend time with her.
  4. To go to Paris! I must be the only person who has never been and I'm desperate to go! I would love to go for a long weekend there at some point soon.
  5. To be more adventurous, especially with food! I love food, but then I can be quite a fussy eater sometimes. I won't eat something if it looks weird or I just think I won't like. So I am definitely going to try and be more open minded.
I will keep you  updated on my progress with these!

What are your New Years Resolutions? Would love to hear them :)



  1. Great resolutions! I need to sort out my sleeping schedule as well. Sleeping 3 hours a day won't do me any good!

    Sandra from The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. Thanks Hun :) omg 3 hours?! I would literally fall asleep at my desk haha. It's so easy to fall into that pattern though! Xxx
